
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Friday, November 26, 2010

Picture post

We got our first snowfall!  :P  The kids were sooo happy, even though Jacob didn't want to go out and play in it at all.

We had a very blessed Thanksgiving, a couple of friends, and a couple of the soldiers that Jon works with came to eat with us.  We managed to rotisserie the turkey for 3 hours instead of bake it, but it all worked out in the end.  Sorry, no pics of the dinner.  I made creamed corn, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and apple cider.  Yum!

Our Christmas tree is up, and the total ornament loss so far is 3- 1 by Caitlynn, 2 by Tiger.  Surprisingly, James hasn't broken one yet!  Although, he did manage to break a coffee mug and break the second leaf off of my porcelain rose that I've had since I was little.  Good thing it didn't shatter. 

We had planned to buy a car from a soldier that is leaving, but just found out that it got sold out from under us, so oh well.  We have to start Christmas shopping anyhow, the kids have the wooden food and accessories for their play kitchen (the big gift from Santa to all three of them), but the kitchen itself isn't even shipped yet!  :(  It says it won't be here til after Dec. 25, so I might just have to buy the plastic Step 2 one, instead of the wooden one we wanted.  Other than that, we have 3 or so gifts to get for each kid, and some stocking stuffers. 

Here are some pictures from our snow play earlier- hope you enjoy!

Look!  I'm actually IN a picture this time!

 Our attempt at a snowman!  LOL
And, two minutes later, the death of our snowman, death by consumption.. :D

And a picture of both of us- woohoo!  :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I heart Shutterfly!

Ok, I have to make this really short and simple, cause I'm WAY behind, and the craft fair starts tomorrow!!  EEEK!

Shutterfly is doing a promotion for bloggers- get 50 free Christmas cards for posting a 150word (or longer) post on your blog.  Go here to check it out!   http://bit.ly/sfly2010 

I <3 Shutterfly.  We got an amazing photo book last year, right around Christmas, and my kids still look through it.  They have great service and it hardly takes any time at all to receive your order. 

I'm really liking this one for multiple shots of our family, especially since we are overseas this year.  I know it hasn't really been that long since we have seen everyone, but still, a great way to send a small piece of us to everyone.

I also like this one, for a whole family shot- or possibly just the kids.
Last, but definitely not least, I love the cheerfulness of this one.  The colors jump out at me, and since I LOVE color, I chose this one- probably a picture of the kiddos, instead of all of us.
I've gotta say, this year's card are AMAZING!  I had a hard time narrowing it down to just three items. 
We also got a free 11x14 collage poster back when Jon was here in Korea the first time.  I love it, I put a bunch of pictures of each kid on there, and titled it, We love you, Daddy!  with the month and year written underneath.  Good memories from a time that was a bit stressful and lonely, for both of us.  Go here- http://www.shutterfly.com/prints/collage-posters to check it out.  (Sorry, I don't know how to do cut-tags on blogger)! :)
These looked like a fun way to celebrate, too!  Only 39.99 to be in a book with your favorite character! :)

Anyhow, I hear my sewing machine calling- gotta get back to the grindstone!  I will post pictures once things slow down, hopefully the craft fair does well tomorrow!  :)